Clear the Clutter… Clear the Mind


If you’re like many people, you’ve set some goals and New Year’s resolutions just a month ago.  So…how’s it going?  Are you challenging yourself, setting sights for more, better, deeper?

How about your clutter? 

Are you committed to clearing the clutter??

It’s time to Implement the S.M.A.R.T. System!

The S.M.A.R.T. System of organizing is a time-tested approach, I’ve developed, to clearing the clutter…and then maintaining an orderly look and feel to your home.

S = Start Simply.  Take on a doable project that can be done in one session.  Choose a counter top, a nightstand, one bookshelf.  When you have succeeded, you will have set success in motion, creating momentum and a sense of accomplishment.  Start Simply.

M = Mindset.  Get yourself in a position to win, to succeed, to have this happen (once and for all).  Turn on some tunes, music that inspires you to action.  Prepare a favorite beverage, hot, cold, or otherwise.  Wear comfy clothes and protective sneaks or shoes (no sandals just in case!). Mindset.

A = Action.  At some point, you do have to do something…here’s how to prepare.  Have both black and white garbage bags on hand…black for discard (trash), white for donations (giveaways).  Also have shelf or countertop cleaner, rags or paper towels, and finally a broom and dustpan, mop and vacuum.  Then, pick a project and start to clear the surface 1st. Action.

R = Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.   As you purge your possessions of things that have value but not to you, consider filling that white bag with donatable clothing, purses, bric a brac and anything you no longer want or desire.  Use a box or old bin for breakables and get these things to a Goodwill, a Habitat for Humanity and or a charity of your choice.  They even pick up items with an appointment. Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle.

T = Transformation.   Expect a shift in your psyche ONCE YOU’VE TAKEN CHARGE of YOUR STUFF.  You’ll likely feel more alive, in control, lighter and you can take on bigger projects at work, on relationships, and develop a greater inner peace.  Try it…you’ll LOVE it!! Transformation.

We find ourselves dealing with TMS™

(Too Much Stuff)

Nearly every one of us have this malady…and it weighs us done, it impacts us in a negative way, it sucks the lifeblood from our soul.  So, do the right thing and get S.M.A.R.T.!!

Need help?  We are available for a free consultation.

Just call 561-706-7779.


Clear the Clutter…Clear the Mind ™

A+ClutterClearing March 12, 2024